It takes a lot of courage to walk into a church, especially if you are not sure what you will find inside. The building and worship style may look and sound different than you’re used to, and you may see lots of people you don’t know. We at St. Elizabeth’s want you to know that you are welcome here, and we want you to worship with us.

Worship at St. E’s follows what you’d find at most Episcopal churches, but with a quirky, not-too-fussy, incredibly warm and welcoming feel. Some people dress up and some don’t. We have older people and babies and everything in between. Sometimes our music is traditional, sometimes folksy, and sometimes we learn new music together.

We always have a lot going on, including many things that happen outside of Sunday mornings. St. E’s is involved in many outreach ministries in our community. We often have special services, concerts, and other events. Explore our upcoming events on our Website or Facebook page and subscribe to our e-newsletter to find what interests you!

What we most want you to know about St. Elizabeth’s is that we are a place where you can be yourself and connect with God and others. Christian faith is a journey. We invite you to join us on that journey—learning more about God and the Bible, celebrating the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, struggling together with the tough questions of life and faith, and being part of something that is deep and fulfilling.

St. Elizabeth’s is God’s house. We invite you to join us here, where you can find support and joy, no matter who you are. God cares for you, and God loves you. Come experience the transforming love of God at St. Elizabeth’s. You are welcome here!